Thursday, December 1, 2011

Beginning To Look A Lot Like You-Know-What

Ok, it is December 1st and we know what's in the air....
I am not a person is loves Christmas. I get into the holiday spirit about a week ahead of time.
But I do like vintage......and paper ephemera.....and playing with it to
make mail art.

All I want for Christmas is a stuffed mailbox like the ones above!

Holiday Stamps
I can break out my stash of holiday stamps......

and my vintage holiday mailing labels.....
(I swear, the old ones are so much more charming than the new)

And, of course, there are the old and very fun Christmas seals....

The colors have changed from (Halloween and Thanksgiving) orange to
Holiday Red!
I can't show you all the secret holiday projects I'm working on....because some of you will
be getting things in the mail.....
if you've been very, very good and sent out lots of mail this past year.

You know who you are (the good boys and girls). I have been so happy to receive
such terrific mail and make lots of new mail art pals here in SF and all over.

See what I mean?

You can get those cool Write to Me Please Postcards and really fun letterpress
bookmarks made by my pal Nina here
Nina's Neon Sprinkles Studio
Highly recommended!

Handmade envelope and letter on cool paper from SW.

The fabulous Kelly P -- as always, the most fun mail. This took about
eleven days to travel cross country from Chicago to SF but it finally made it.
I have driven cross country a lot faster but that's neither here nor there.
The day this arrived in my mailbox, I ran into my letter carrier earlier in the day, and she said
"You've got something interesting in the mail today".

Love the collaged and stamped cards from JU.

From me out into the world....some "chicken mail", chocolates in the mail,
collages, letters....
I have been working hard to catch up but I have a lot left to do
so hang on if you are waiting to hear from me.

Listening to: Snow Angels by Over the Rhine
Working on: secret paper and ephemera projects to surprise friends
Eating: no more leftover turkey
Drinking: red wine and coffee but not at the same time

 Don't worry if you don't see your mail here, I don't have time to post everything I
send or receive.

Now, what's everybody else up to?



  1. Pamela -- great post (as always!) and your photos are gorgeous. They make me want to run to my desk and make some mail.

  2. Vintage Christmas is so much a part of my childhood, I agree all the old tags, seals and stamps are the best. Fantastic incoming and outgoing willbe more so I suspect. I do love decorsting for the holidays, it brings me back to childhood I guess. Have fun making. xox Corrine

  3. wow ! what wonderful collection of christmas stamps ! and that's true, the vintage tags are very beautiful !

  4. I am in LOVE with your Christmas stash! I AM someone who goes a little bonkers for Christmas - I love this time of year. I just had my big Christmas party this weekend, so now things are slowing down for me & I will be writing soon. Sorry it's been so long.
    Miss you!

  5. @Stephrudolph -- I'd love to hear from you -- it's been way too long! tell me about the party

  6. I just love the Christmas stuff! And the mail-art.. AMAZING! I wish I had a penpal like you.

  7. @Deirdre -- thank you! If you are looking for mail art pals, check out a previous post called You Want Mail? Just put that in the search box on the left.....

  8. I love vintage ephemera., especially holiday ones... I am hosting a mail art project on my blog.. check out my contact page for the link! xo hugs
