Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Stacks of papers for mail art making.

OK, so this morning I was reading a few of my favorite blogs
when I came across this
Stack Attack
A call for entries (of sorts) for photos of the stacks in our art studios.
Well, I DO have stacks.

The Altered Page
is a really interesting blog -- I just signed up! (Hello Seth)

Stack of my handmade envelopes all ready to fill up and mail.

Stack of (only a very few) of my journals. Top one has French muslin (used)
tea bags attached.
I have kind an an indoor/outdoor studio space.
After a chilly, foggy cold SF summer, we are having a lovely heatwave.
(80" in SF is considered a heat wave and the locals are swooning).

Stack of Chinese Boxes in my studio.

Stack of out-going mail.

Stack of incoming mail (collected over the years).

Stack of vintage books on studio work table.

Stack of vintage language flash cards. I love these things. I keep thinking if I sleep with the cards under my pillow I might absorb the languages. It hasn't worked yet.

Stack of inspiration books.

Check out my pal Corrine's blog for some cool stacks
I was reading dosfishes this morning with my coffee and found out about the Stacks!

More stacks on here
I am Rushmore

So, thanks to Seth and The Altered Page for thinking this fun project up.
Now that I see all the stacks I have sitting around I wonder if I should have gone to the Library Big Book Sale yesterday to get more?

Next post will be outgoing mail, results of the Big Book Sale, a score in Chinatown and some shots of the Correspondence Co-Op meeting happening here in San Francisco tonight.

Keep sending mail, people.


  1. Stupendous stacks. What a great grouping you have shown here. Love all the mail related posts and those Chinese boxes are amazing. Wonderful collection.

  2. You had me at the hand made envelopes but then I saw those Chinese boxes. Wow Pamela, kudos. xox Corrine

    1. Corrine -- you like what I like! The handmade envelopes are easier to come by than the Chinese boxes are these days...

  3. So many wonderful stacks. I love the flashcards. I have some on my bookshelf, and I always expect that they will work by osmosis too. Any day, I'm sure.

  4. Love the themes in your stacks, especially the Chinese boxes!

    1. Thanks for commenting, carolyn....I like to be surrounded by the things I love..

  5. You live in the perfect place to find wonderful
    Chinese boxes...they are soooo cool! I have added your blog to my blog roll, I want to see more.

    1. Thanks Dandelion and Daisy! I've been blogging away so i hope you like what you've been seeing..

  6. Thanks for the comments, everyone! Those Chinese boxes seem to be popular. I have loved them for years. I haunt the markets in Chinatown and on Clement Street here in San Francisco and look for cool boxes. Many of them had tea in them and are made from cardboard.. I have a collection on tin boxes as well and the best time to find them is around the Moon Festival, which was last week.

  7. wonderful interesting stacks! what a collection, thanks for sharing~

  8. Wow. Have you studied all those languages? Amazing.

    1. Hahaha....I have not studied all those languages but i WISH I knew them all....I have studied French and Italian and I am rather painful with both...

  9. What beautiful stacks! That's neat how you used a cookbook page for one of the envelopes!

    1. Marian -- I'll use just about anything to make an envelope...thanks for commenting.

  10. Yes you should go to the library...if it's not too late!!! Keep stacking because yours are some of the most interesting I've seen. I especially love your envelopes and Chinese boxes!

    Love your "stacks"... wow!! :]
    Thumbs up to "mail art".

  12. Nice - would it have counted if I had posted stacks of ugly stuff? Like the stack of junk mail I haven't gone through lately...I would've put a pretty stack of journals or mail art in there too...

  13. fantastic stacks! all those envelopes waiting to be filled...
    and the flashcards look so cool - I want to see what they look like! thanks for the link - you're the best!

  14. fantastic stacks! I adore those Chinese boxes, and love the stacks of mail art envelopes too. I love getting mail art! so glad you joined in the 'stack attack.'

  15. @Thanks, everyone.
    @Stephrudolph--don't forget, you can repurpose junk mail for mail art and those designs inside security envelopes are especially fun.
    @iamrushmore--maybe I will send you some of the language flash cards, in the mail of course.

  16. Replies
    1. Well, thanks Miles. I am still stacking away...maybe time for a new post..

  17. You certainly DO have some amazing and wonderful stacks there! All those lucky people receiving your artistic mail art!

    Stack On

    1. Thanks Patty S -- still stacking and still sending out lots of mail art. Love the whole process.

  18. you take the stacks to the max!!!
    Wonderful collection, keep smiling and creating

  19. Wonderful stacks! Very nice, indeed!!

  20. I fell head over heels in love with your Chinese boxes. I also liked how you showed stacks of mail art in various stages of completion. Lovely to see. Sorry I'm late arriving, but I've been taking a long look at all the stacks.

    1. Thanks so much for your comment -- happy to hear you enjoyed seeing the Chinese boxes and the mail art.

  21. still working my way through seth's list. great stacks! never heard of mail art. i'll have to look it up.

    1. jaeartworks -- did you see all the mail art blogs that are out there? There is quite a big network of mail artists having fun in the mail.
      Thanks for commenting.
