Thursday, September 8, 2011

Spread the Word

I went to the SF Zine Fest over the weekend, ran into a bunch of friends there. Some were
buying and some were selling. And some were buying and selling.
I came home with lots to read and enjoy. Lots of creative people out here.
I highly recommend a visit next time, if you missed the Zine Fest this year.

Zines, zines and more zines. These are the archived ones from the zines library.
And for those who live in the Bay Area -- did you know you can visit the
Book Arts & Special Collections
room at the SF Public Library (main branch on Larkin Street) and sit down and look at
the zines they have in their collection.
It is a terrific resource and a great way to spend a few hours.

Red Letter Day Zine Table
You can get into some serious trouble here.

Incoming Mail
I am having a good mail week too. Maybe because we had "No Mail Monday" I was
extra lucky on Tuesday.
A LIFE magazine from Tallie J -- with a letter tucked inside. This was really
fun to see in my mailbox. And a red inter-office envelope from the
fabulous Kelly P and a great envelope and letter from Stephanie R in NYC.

Kelly P does it again - strikes one out of the ballpark with a letter  booklet
made inside a coffee cup. (She is doing better than the SF Giants but don't tell anyone).
She knows I like a good cappuccino but one with a letter inside is even better.

Inside the cup....

Incoming Mail
And even more good stuff the next day -- I could get rather spoiled.
(But sadly today I just got one lovely but lonely postcard)
I guess you can't score every day.

A little break with a special friend on Tuesday afternoon
(you know who you are)
before working on some outgoing.

Outgoing Mail
A group of out-going from me. I spent a lazy (but productive) Sunday mostly working on mail.

On the hallway table ready for a walk to the post box.
We have to send mail to help save the USPS and also our corner post boxes.
Did you read on that link I posted last time - a corner letter box must have at
least 25 items mailed from it or it will be removed?
Get mailing people!

Take a nice neighborhood walk and drop some letters in the box.

This is what we don't want to be seeing (in downtown San Francisco).

Now this is just sad -- an old battered post box covered in green moss!
I may have to go give this one some TLC.

Send some letters -- save a Post Box!
You've got to give good mail to get good mail.
Spread the word.

Mail Artists can save the Postal Service
(or at least we can try).


  1. I sent you something today - to save the post office and to keep you amused and well fed.

    By the way, I spy some macarons on this post. I love macarons. The cheese looks good too. Some great mail on this post too, including the Life magazine and the Interoffice envelope. Very creative.

  2. Zine fest?!!! Oh my, i must attend that next year! And that's some great mail there!

  3. Being rural we mail all the time, but it may not be enough. You might be able to single handedly save the boxes in your neighbrohood! xox Corrine

  4. Wow - beautiful mail - that Life mag w/Ogden Nash! And the interoffice envelope - ha! Your mail looks great also - that blue Chinese-themed envelope! So much to comment on here...I guess I really should just *write you a letter*!

  5. Lovely, lovely.
    Will be on the lookout for some goodies for you tomorrow at the show. Can't wait to read more about the zines you discovered.
    Happy Friday!

  6. PG!!!

    i got your zines you sent yesterday in the mail,
    but was too busy creating my poem booklet to blog them yet.
    i'll do that today.

    you have one of the poem books coming your way;
    thanks for the zines! =)

  7. Thank you for the letter! I really enjoyed the small photo's and goodies between the pages :-)

  8. I enjoyed reading this post.. Those zines are fantastic and your incoming and outgoing mail gave me so much ideas for my letters! :) Thank you, you're real inspiration!
