Wednesday, June 15, 2011

In the Mail and Out

Correspondence Co-Op Set
I made a set of postcards to send the folks who attended Ms. Red Letter Day's
first Correspondence Co-Op
meet-up here in San Francisco.

Now here is a question - over at Missive Maven's blog

The Missive Maven

there was a discussion going on about the need to put a return address on postcards.
I vote for yes, you do
but others said they send postcards out without expecting any reply
and don't bother putting a return address.

What do you all think?

(I vote for a return address and I try to respond to postcards too.)

Here's an outgoing to Tallie, up at MindPort
in Bellingham, WA
She put together a mail art show a while back and is now accepting entries for a
homework show.
You can check out MindPort here -- looks like a place I'd love to visit.


I got my hands on a USPO stamp catalog
and, of course, I had to make some envelopes.

More out-going, to Rose in Australia and Super Hero
and a last Co-Op card going out....

This little beauty came in a few days ago -- unsigned -- is that you, Carolee?

A message in a bottle -- or in this case -- a small zine in a bottle from the
very creative Alice S.
Even my usually stoic letter carrier had to laugh when he handed me this one.

And this lovely from Karen I.
who found me on the Good Mail Day blog -- and I'm so glad she did.

Hummmmm what is this?

something from the wonderfully creative Kelly P.

A letter, of course. So cool.
There are so many terrifically creative people out there in the world making

And there is more but I will have to save it for another day.


  1. I vote for a return address to be included on a post card :> And I so enjoy seeing all the pictures of your wonderful incoming mail...all are so creative indeed!

  2. if you don't include a return address, it's sometimes difficult to tell who's sent the postcard (in the cases where there is not room, aesthetically or otherwise, for one).

  3. HA! yes, that's me up there with the wall-o-stamps; I used my red address stamp on the red background but clearly it did not survive!

  4. I like return addresses because then you can send something back :-)

  5. Message in a bottle is fantastic as is the accordian book....You are a luck mailista! Green stamps are cool. xox Corrine

  6. Thanks everyone!
    @Good Mail day - I thought that was from you. And your zine was great too.
    @Annejo---that's right and that's how we started corresponding.
    @Dosfishes--I am lucky.

  7. So glad you like the little book - thanks for posting it! The funny thing is that I was already a subscriber to your blog, but didn't know it when I popped the book in the mail. Imagine my surprise to see a picture of my own work come through my feed. -Karen

  8. Karen--that is funny! I will be sending something out to you next week. I loved your little book and glad you saw here on the blog....
