Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Quick One

Went to the Printer's Fair last weekend here in SF and (of course) my
favorite table was the one graced by the lovely
Miss Red Letter Day herself.

I'm sure you all know her wonderful blog but if not just click the link below

Everyday Should Be A Red Letter Day

I spent most of my money right here - Jennie has all kinds of wonderful postal related
This was my first time at the Printer's Fair and it won't be my last - there were all kinds
of wonderful handmade works -- letterpress, zines, ephemera, marbled papers, altered books.
Really wonderful to see so many talented people.

And here is Eli Noyes, the designer of the new and really wonderful set of
"Green Stamps".
As it turns out, he is a neighbor of mine and I photographed him for
the newspaper I work for.
Here he is holding a set of the stamps he designed.

Check out the article and photo by clicking below.

Artist Makes His Mark on Stamps

I noticed the Green stamps were sold out at our neighborhood post office.
I guess there was a run on them after people read our article.

Ok, folks.
Not the greatest week for Incoming. You all know my mailbox needs a lot
of mail to be happy.
Thanks to Bruno in Brasil,  Shilita, Millicent, Mim!
Photos next time.

Happy Mail Everyone!


  1. Oh, a photo of Jennie at her table! Envy! My P.O. branch ran out of those lovely Green stamps. How fun to see the designer/artist. And thanks for thanking ME!

  2. Wow ! The stall looks awesome with all her things. :):) You have fairs like this ?? That's awesome ! :D

  3. Where is the pic of you Pamela? Jennie looks positively mischievous with that smile. I shall have to send off something so your incoming is not forlorn. Happy week. xox Corrine

  4. Jennie (Miss Red Letter Day) is adorable and obviously has great style. I did not know there was such a thing as a Printers' Fair. How fun!

  5. Jennie is adorable! The first time I met her was at the SF Center for the Book Holiday Fair and she was wearing a girl scout uniform with mailart merit badges. Yes, we have the Printer's Fair, The Maker's Fair and the the Vintage Paper Fair - is it any wonder we are all so busy here in San Francisco?
