Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Catch Up!

The LA Mail Art set
What can I say? I'm inspired by travel
and ephemera.


My studio
Mail Art  to-be-answered sitting on the couch
and a fabulous Sharon Beals nest photo on the floor
(don't ask)

A little display of some of my favorite incoming mail.

(More) Outgoing
Man, going away for a few days and then celebrating the long weekend (just past) with various parties
is really making me hustle to catch up on my correspondence.
Some of you may find little surprises inside.

And, speaking of "correspondence", the lovely
Miss Red Letter Day Jennie H has started a brand new
Correspondence Club here in SF. First meeting was last week
and way too much fun. Watch her Red Letter Day blog for details.

I'm always good for a random food photo (as you have most likely noticed).
This was at a great Memorial Day party hosted by some pals.

Thanks to all who sent incoming.
Always much appreciated. A little mail art arrived from Brazil and some
from Russia. So cool.

Keep those letters coming, people!

Happy start of summer.
Write some letters.


  1. Great seeing your studio, and the way you place your incoming faves. yum, food, yum seeing our friend's photo.

  2. All those lovely colours :-) And your studio is bigger than my bedroom! :D

  3. Great blog, Pam. I feel as refreshed from this mini-SF escape! Thanks.
