Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Outgoing and Incoming

Making lots of envelopes -- such fun.
These are from an old stamp collecting album,
ready to be filled up and addressed
and on their way.
A couple of Japanese magazine envelopes
already on the plane...
This one's for you, Garci.
Three more in the Mailart365 series
Outgoing letters
Sometimes I just feel in the mood to write a letter.
Mailart365 -- being a photographer
I have loads of old negatives and prints to play around with.
Feeling a bit sorry for myself yesterday, not a great mail week,
and look what showed up on my front porch from Kelly
(wouldn't fit through the mail slot).
and what a great surprise.
A CD too.
OK, I have absolutely no idea what this group is:
but with a name like that it has to be good, right?
Kelly told me about it and I had to join up.
It's based in San Francisco -- who knew?
Now you do.

Get busy and write some letters.
Make some envelopes.
Have some postal fun.


  1. I have been mailing lots of cards this week.... one should reach you too soon :-)

  2. Love these envelopes. And your mail art 365 series as well. It must be great to have a big tin of mail waiting...xox Corrine

  3. @Annejo-got your card today and thanks. Sending you something back tomorrow. Take care.

  4. You didn't hear it from me, but perhaps you should ask Carolee about the Elsewhere Philatelic Society... ;-)

  5. Spoiler, spoiler, spoiler, Hinchcliff! Jeez!

  6. @redletterday and goodmailday -- no worries you two -- I am still totally confused....and said I still have have to look for a triangle stamp so......

  7. More importantly...have you been to

    There are directions there....a way to find a *special* triangle stamp.

  8. Ok..i'm going there now...actually I did look there before and seemed to have missed the instructions...told you I am easily confused...will try again..
