Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Some going out, some coming in....

Off to The Netherlands
Annejo has been patiently waiting.
At least I hope she's patient.

 and to G-Man in NYC...some G's for you....

Inspired by Valentine's Day -- a candy envelope 

Four in the Mailart 365 series
(this is sure keeping me busy)

Three more handmade envelopes going out,
Chinese menu envelope to Jen, San Francisco envelope to RO
(my favorite) a typewriter envelope to strikethru

This just in today -- a Valentine box mailing!
A bit battered but it did arrive safe and sound.
Thanks, Alice.

And three Valentine envelopes made it here on Monday.
Love all that red.
Thanks everyone.

Send good mail -- Get good mail.


  1. I was patient.... until I saw that beautiful envelope!!! :D I can't wait for it to arrive ^_^

  2. That typewriter envelope is pretty rad.

  3. Hi Pamela,
    I just wanted you to know I saw your comment on Art of a Letter and gave the caption your proper name. I am sorry that happened. I was struggling with captions and had to repost the photo and caption numerous times. I guess somewhere in the process I changed you name. I really did enjoy the postcard though, thanks so much! Take care! Elle

  4. I have to admit that your handmade envelopes looks better then any store bought envelope! :)

  5. I was so lucky to get the candy envie! TY! Love it!
