Sunday, February 27, 2011

Random Postal Projects

Envelope-making afternoon

What will I do with these lovely ladies?
Any suggestions?
Just look at that hairdo on the left.

The postman always rings twice.
Oh wait -- that's a movie.

Japanese food envelopes
complete with chopstick wrappers and recipes (in Japanese).

Envelopes guaranteed to make you hungry.

a happy mess.

Here I go again..
who will be getting these?

Airmail postcard went out to KT.
More about that later....
(Mailart 365)

Chinese menu envelope out to TrazyZ.

I made a whole bunch of collaged postcards too. What a fun day playing in my studio.

Now watch your mailboxes.


  1. Wow, you have been busy, and your worktable still looks neater than mine. xox Corrine

  2. I want Japanese food now. Lovely envelopes!

  3. Splendid, I love the airmail postcard.

  4. I agree with Felicity - the airmail postcard is fabulous. I'm glad to see that your work table looks much like mine does when I create.

  5. I like the postman picture.

  6. Your mail art looks amazing!!! I love the work table looks like my studio desk. Hope you have a wonderfully creative week!
    Much Love,
