Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Deliver The Letters

Busy over the weekend playing catch-up.
Made some envelopes from ledger paper,
among other things.

Some postcards to some pals

Amazing mail coming in - heard a "plunk" today as mail was delivered
and discovered this clear lucite block had arrived........

........along with this pack of stamps.
The Queen of Rubber Stamps strikes again!
I bet my postal carrier is mystified. 

Another San Francisco pal sent me a card with one of her beautiful
photographs on it and Chinatown paper tucked inside.

From SR in NYC -- a wonderful sewn envelope.

Yes, it arrived in perfect condition!
Now please tell me, do I cut it open to see what's inside or leave it as is?
(Last one I cut open I wasn't supposed to!)

And from Kelly, an envelope template from the PO.
I had read you could get these free from the post office but when I went in and asked at my PO they looked at me as I  were crazy (well, it is possible).
Thank you, Kelly!

That is just some of the outgoing and incoming around here.

Yes, I know I'm lucky!


  1. I really like the sewn envelopes I have seen on your blog - what a great way to combine crafts :D

  2. "the sooner the better" .... very nice tribute to Gladys Horton (R.I.P.)

    You had a very lovely mail day!

    I snagged one of the USPS templates when I was in Great Smoky Mountains a couple years ago. The postal clerk was amazed when I came in with a ton of mail and asked her to check for "fat" mail. I told her I wish I had one of those templates so I could check at home and she handed me one. She said that anyone who sends as much mail as I do should get a gold medal from the Postmaster General :-)

  3. You really did have a great mail day.

    P.S. I have one of those templates too - and use it all the time.

  4. I got your colorful, festive Gung Hay Fat Choy post card. Thanks so much!

  5. I still wonder who the PO here in SF says there are no such things as the templates but others are getting of life's mysteries, I guess.

  6. Yes, yes, yes - please open if you haven't already.
    Happy Day!!!

  7. Hi Steph--I did open it -- after resisting for two days. Such self-control. Loved everything inside and out. And a red letter day today too -- loved the Valentine book. Thanks so much. You will hear from me soon.

  8. That envelope just sewn closed is a great idea!

  9. I, too, have one of those templates but can't remember how I got it. The thickness part is just a cut-out on the right side not a long slot. It is NOT translucent and is dated May 1981.

  10. So far I am just making up the envelopes and slapping some cool stamps on them and hoping for the best.
