Monday, December 13, 2010


Someone I know is going to get a surprise that's inside this box.
No, not ravioli.
After Christmas you'll all see what's inside and have a chance to
win one!


  1. If what's inside is as lovely as that box then that is one lucky person :-) I just really love those old-fasioned fonts!

  2. This place - Lucca Ravioli - is right near my house and every time I buy ravioli I save the box to use for something else. I love the fonts too.

  3. I would sure like to go to this place and you are so clever to reuse the packaging! I would love one of your typewriter manual envies - those look great!

  4. i love the smell of the freshly made pasta wafting out into the street when i walk by Lucca's :)

  5. Btw, how was the beef stew? :-O

  6. Wow, I remember Lucca's from the time I had my first
    real photo studio on Valencia in '75. Love those old letterpress handset typefaces (on the box).
