Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday Colors (Green)

Lovely weathered shades of green.
Just thinking it might be fun to do a Colors post on Sundays.
Just something a little different for a change.

Green in Golden Gate Park
from the roof of the deYoung Museum.

We are always green in SF.

Always loved these giant leaves -- don't they look like something
Adam and Eve would have dressed up in?

Eat your greens.

Always something interesting in the Bay Area's Farmers Markets.
I want to try making that Nocino.

Green - with some pink thrown in.

The Zen Garden
One of my favorite spots in the Big Bad City.

Have  a restful and peaceful Sunday --
and write a letter today.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post! Looks like you had a fun day. Thanks for sharing! elle
