Tuesday, November 23, 2010

More Mail Boxes

These guys have seen better days
but I think they have character 

(especially the one on the far right).

Kind of a country looking mail box in the city
right around the corner from my house.

Rather elegant, wouldn't you say?

Oh boy......

Now, this is really something - yup, it really is someone's mail box.

Not in SF but pretty close by
on the
Bohemian Highway.

Fill those beauties up.

Lots of great mail boxes around town, just waiting for some Mail Art
or a nice fat letter.

Remember, write a letter -- get a letter!


  1. A salute to the NW mail carriers today making their way around snowy icy hills to "deliver the letter, the sooner the better."

  2. I saw the weather you have up there -- amazing! Not a great day to be delivering mail in the North West.
