Friday, November 26, 2010

Life in a Typewriter Shop: Typewriter Event In Philly

Life in a Typewriter Shop: Typewriter Event In Philly: "Announcing the first Philadelphia Type-INA Pleasant Afternoon ofManual Typewriting SATURDAY, 18 December,1 p.m.-4:30 p.m. BRIDGEWATE..."


  1. Now this looks like fun -- what a great idea. Wish I could go!

  2. Isn't this cool! Thanks for letting me know about it. I think I will check out who in my circle of friends still has their manual. I got rid of mine in the last move but now I wish I had it! But why, I wonder. Is it just nostalgia?

  3. To CJ I say, get thee to Etsy (and pay more) or ebay (and take a bit of a chance....)...

    Letters typed on a manual are more thoughtful, and have a certain charm that email will never have.

    Just as the electric guitar did not end the acoustic, so analog typewriting may well live on....

    check for a bit more....

  4. Oh, I have to agree -- typewritten letters have charm and typewritters are also great for typing zines. I sure wish I had one (I'm looking).
