Friday, November 12, 2010


Heard from Alice in SF.
She photographed the John Held, Jr
Mail Art opening along with me

and our photos were on the Letter Writer Alliance blog together.

Some of the most thrilling mail to date -- SC sent me a big packet of old letters
between a WW2 soldier and his mother in the 40's.
Talk about history coming to life -- I can hardly put them down.

And great typing on that old tissue weight airmail paper

A Grand Central Station cancellation
Wish they still did that.

SC will be getting a great big Thank-You from me in the mail very soon.

And, from Jennie, some very cool old stationary
that she picked up at a garage sale in a cool envelope
(of course)


1 comment:

  1. Handwritten or typewritten letters are the best. I have a couple of typewriter penpals and one of them uses the lightweight paper that you have pictured here. Snail mail is great.
