Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Royal Typewriter

I made the most wonderful score at the thrift store today
Three old manuals for teaching typing

Finger gymnastics
Can you believe it?
I don't think they teach this in college anymore

I'm sure they don't teach this --
Folding and inserting a letter into a long envelope

You know, life must have been so much simpler then
Stay tuned for the rest of the shots
very soon

I am hoping I can bring myself to tear up at least one of these manuals to make envelopes and mailart.
They were $1.00 each
and this just made my day!

The story will continue........


  1. They are fantastic. If you manage to make some envelopes, I would love one - I just purchased an actual real typewriter on the weekend. The amazing thing is it was my kids who really wanted to buy it. They thought it was so much fun! As it came with it's own little carry case, we joked that it was the retro version of a laptop.

  2. Ih, Kaz--I am so jealous of your new typewriter. You will have fun with it. And I will surely send you an envelope or two when I manage to tear one of these beauties up. I have always regretted I don't have my mom's old typewriter.
