Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bedtime Reading

My mom read this to me when I was little

A really charming book about

This must be what got me started
on mail art

I think machines do this now

....and maybe this too.....

Oh! I want that letter.

I think you can still buy  this book if you are
so inclined

Hum, only guys delivering mail back then?
I hope someone is writing me a letter today.
I'll write you back.


  1. Over here in the Netherlands a lot of mail is still sorted by hand :-)
    "Hi" btw, thank you for the awesome card ^_^

  2. Very welcome, Annejo.
    And I know three people who bought the Postman book on Amazon after seeing this post.

  3. I love this posting and the sweet drawings in the little book. It reminds me of the two my sister sent me from our childhood library that she said exemplifies recurring struggles in my life. "Let's save money!" and "Let's tell time!"

  4. So many people have written me to say they have bought this book -- it is on Amazon if you are interested.
