Friday, January 28, 2011

A Nice Day

Took a lovely walk around Chinatown and admired some mailboxes.
Love that red.

Looking up.

More mailboxes. Like that weathered look.

Love the old-fashioned ones.

Home for lunch and the reading of my wonderful mail.
(thank you Annejo and Linsey and Fast Eyes)

 I love hearing from Tallie.

A poofy postcard handmade by Jen (IUOMA). Even the stamps were sewn on.
So wonderful.

An embroidered woman on the back.
Who knew I wasn't supposed to cut it open?
I need to get out my sewing machine and sew it back up.
Thanks, Jen.

I have been working on my mailart projects too.
Photos to come.

Beautiful weather, interesting walk through Chinatown, good mail.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Et Encore

I love old dictionaries, especially French ones.

I buy them to cut up for mailart and collage but often I can't bring myself to do it.

Cursive writing chart.
The French take their penmanship very seriously.

The illustrations are wonderful.

More Words
These are in French
Mais oui

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Little of This....

MailArt 365

MailArt 365

Some lovely incoming on Friday
More from the Rubber Stamp Queen, you know who you are.

And look what she sent me -- see those PG's???
A rubber stamp with my initials. 
MailArt 365
MeeMee Restaurant in Hell's Kitchen NYC

MailArt 365
Winter in San Francisco

More mail out into the world...

And more.....

So, that's it. A little of this and a little of that. 
I bought a stash of the beautiful Lunar New Year Stamps today.
Made some great envelopes out of Chinese Take-Out Flyers.
Soon to be off to the wonderful San Francisco Film Noir Festival in our beautiful old Castro Movie Palace. I love the constant feeling of dread (with a side of popcorn).

Have fun everybody!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What a guy!

Just came across this guy in my files.
I love the flowers and of course the La Poste box.
The mustache? Not so much.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Happy Find

Cleaning out my desk drawers over the long weekend....

I came across this wonderful stash of older stamps I had put away...

and forgotten about....
How exciting! Now shall I start using them on mailart or stash them away to find again in  a few years?
What does everyone think?

I am quite partial to the Lunar New Year Stamps.
Very soon we will have a new one.

No mail yesterday -- hoping for a double batch today.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

In and Out (not the burgers)

Can you believe all this wonderful mail arrived on one day last week?
How fun.
Faux stamps from John Held, Jr, collages from Karen Champlin, Lunar New card
from the wonderful Jennie Hinchcliff, joss paper from Barbara and a card from Carter,
and a zine and random things from Linsey.

Close-up of John's stamps.
Recognize anybody?

Outgoing from me  --  Mailart 365
# 12/365

Mailart 365
# 14/365

Mailart 365

Mailart 365 -- #13/365
I wonder if the peso will be on the card when it arrives at it's destination?
Hope so.

Thanks to Mim for the Mailart 365 postcard too.

Now I better get busy and answer everyone.

Send Good Mail -- Get Good Mail!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Outgoing Mail

For Annie

MailArt 365
to Snooky the Mail Art Dog and Angie

MailArt 355
Hola to Garci

To Alice (the Rubber Stamping Queen)

MailArt 365
Out to Catwrangler

Isn't she lovely?
MailArt 365 to KT

MailArt 365

MailArt 365

Been busy working in my studio,
getting the mail out!

And thank you
for following. I reached 50 followers a few days ago
and before I could mention that milestone,
I reached 51 today.
I appreciate the support.

Monday, January 10, 2011

My Studio

Lots of inspiration (for me)

Making some cards and small collages.
Working on Mailart365.

Work, work, work
(it feels like play)

Chinatown altered book in progress.

Shrine inspired by El Dia des las Muertas

A room of one's own

OK, you see every single inch isn't covered in paper and inspiration.
I manage to keep a calm peaceful space in the back.
And I have a sweet little deck with plants too.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


From France

A P and a G for me!

Off to the Vintage Paper Fair in Golden Gate Park today.
Working on catching up on answering all my mail. 
Collage cards for MailArt 365.
Busy, busy.